

SCHWEIZER 是一家有悠久传统的家族企业,非常重视企业社会责任,企业宗旨中深刻体现了其在可持续性方面作出的贡献。企业行为极具责任感,体现在实际业务活动、生态相关方面,与员工的关系以及与利益相关方和利益集团的沟通交流等方方面面。因此,公司各方各面都充分体现出其保证可持续性方面的坚定信念。



非财务声明 2023 (only in German, the English translation will follow soon)

最新年度报告 (only in German, the English translation will follow soon)


SCHWEIZER 举报人系统让您有机会了解违反法律规定或内部规定方面的信息,并从而有助于发现这方面的违规行为。遵守法律规定和内部规定是 SCHWEIZER 的重中之重。只有遵守规定和标准,我们才能避免公司、员工和业务合作伙伴蒙受损失。因此,必须及早发现不当行为。为了公平且合理地跟踪对违规行为的举报,我们设立了举报人系统。SCHWEIZER 员工和外部人员均可通过该举报人系统报告违规行为。作相应处理的时候,举报人系统可确保最高级别的保密性。

如果您向 SCHWEIZER 明确举报存在的违法或违规行为,或疑似有此类行为,则可以使用举报人系统。


ZVEI – Code of Conduct for the electronic industry

All of the companies in the SCHWEIZER-Group are clearly committed to their social responsibility within the scope of our worldwide activities.

The ZVEI Code of Conduct on Corporate Social Responsibility (CoC) serves as the basis for this. Issued by the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (Zentralverbands Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V., ZVEI), these guidelines spell out what corporate responsibility means to us: for working conditions, social and environmental compatibility, as well as transparency, trustworthy collaboration and meaningful dialogue.

We do all this out of the deepest conviction, because we know that responsible action pays off – for a world worth living in, for more trust and ever better products.

Code of Conduct SCHWEIZER