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Schweizer Electronic AG: Dividend stable with 0.65 Euro

Shareholders present at Schweizer Electronic AG’s 27th Annual Shareholders‘Meeting on July 1, 2016 followed the proposal submitted by the Executive and Supervisory Boards and agreed to pay a dividend of 0.65 Euro per share for the fiscal year 2015. This corresponds to a dividend ratio of 45% after allocation to the profit reserves. Thus, the dividend of Schweizer Electronic AG remains stable. Furthermore, SCHWEIZER again will have employees participate in the company’s success with a payout amounting to 500,000 Euro and this way expresses their appreciation for the outstanding contribution.

Schramberg, July 5, 2016 – Shareholders present at Schweizer Electronic AG’s 27th Annual Shareholders‘Meeting on July 1, 2016 followed the proposal submitted by the Executive and Supervisory Boards and agreed to pay a dividend of 0.65 Euro per share for the fiscal year 2015. This corresponds to a dividend ratio of 45% after allocation to the profit reserves. Thus, the dividend of Schweizer Electronic AG remains stable. Furthermore, SCHWEIZER again will have employees participate in the company’s success with a payout amounting to 500,000 Euro and this way expresses their appreciation for the outstanding contribution.

Beyond the proposal for paying a dividend, the plenum, which gathered in Rottweil, agreed to all other proposals with a vast majority. The proposals concern the acquirement of up to a total of 10% of the company’s own share capital, the procurement of newly approved capital of up to 50% of the share capital as well as the procurement of conditional capital with a maximum nominal value amount of 35 million Euro. With about 177 shareholders joining the meeting, 75% of the share capital was represented. In addition, about 50 guests were present.

In their speeches Nicolas Schweizer, Deputy CEO and Marc Bunz, CFO, reported on a successful business year, where SCHWEIZER managed again to grow by 4.8% thus bucking the trend of the world-wide market which declined by 3.7%. As already announced, sales increased to 115.6 million Euro. Growing disproportionately by 19% to a total amount of 60.3 million Euro, the products of SCHWEIZER’s innovative product portfolio were leading in the turnover development, accounting for more than 50% of the total turnover already. With an increase of 25% SCHWEIZER also achieved record growth rates in order income and in the order book. In addition, the company managed to expand its customer portfolio by entering the aviation sector: first serial orders will be delivered within the next weeks and new orders have already been received for coming business periods.

In 2015, SCHWEIZER reported its financial statements according to IFRS standards for the first time. EBIT after special effects amounted to 3.7 million Euro against 3.0 million Euro the year before. Before special effects, the EBIT amounted to 5.8 million Euro. The company continues to build on solid financial structures with an equity capital of 67.4 million Euro (equity ratio 56.5%) and a net gearing ratio of – 5.1%.

The Shareholders’ Meeting approved the actions of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board for the year 2015 with a vast majority. The long-standing member Christoph Schweizer was re-elected into the Supervisory Board, Ms. Karin Sommermoser, CFO of Zumtobel AG, was elected as his personal substitute member. Simultaneously, Dr. Stephan Zizala, Vice President and General Manager Business Line Automotive Power at Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, was elected member of the Supervisory Board.


Image caption (from left to right): Nicolas Schweizer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
Marc Bunz, Chief Financial Officer, Schweizer Electronic AG. (Download in high resolution)