• Majority agreement by shareholders on all agenda items
• 70 percent of the registered share capital was represented
• Executive Board looks back on a challenging year and provides an outlook for the future
Schramberg, 27 June 2022 – The Annual General Meeting of Schweizer Electronic AG took place again in virtual form on Friday. In total, 70 percent of the registered share capital of Schweizer Electronic AG was represented.
Financial year 2021 / Outlook
In his speech, Chairman of the Executive Board Nicolas Schweizer looked back on a challenging 2021, which was a successful year overall. According to Nicolas Schweizer, the company has successfully confronted the external framework conditions of the last three years, such as the automotive and coronavirus crisis, the chip shortage and the supply chain problem.
He reported on the successful turnaround at the Schramberg plant, on order books that reached an unprecedented level and on the successful advancement of SCHWEIZER technology development. Nicolas Schweizer emphasised in particular the challenges at the Chinese plant due to the prevailing difficult framework conditions and the measures taken, the positive effects of which are to be expected from the end of the second quarter.
Despite the many uncertainties, the Executive Board confirmed the April announcement of an expected growth of 10 to 20% and an improvement in EBITDA of between -4% and +1%. Successful implementation of the profit improvement in China is crucial here. However, the main focus is on stabilising and improving the Group equity ratio, preferably through capital measures at the site in China.
Agreement on all agenda items
With a large majority, the Annual General Meeting expressed its trust in both the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board for the 2021 financial year, and agreed to all proposed resolutions.
Dr Harald Marquardt, Chairman of Marquardt SE, was elected as a new member of the Supervisory Board with a majority of 99.7%.
In the subsequent meeting of the Supervisory Board, Dr Stefan Krauss was elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Board as the successor to Mr Christoph Schweizer.
Mr Christoph Schweizer resigned from the Supervisory Board at the end of the Annual General Meeting. Mr Christoph Schweizer was Chairman of the Executive Board of Schweizer Electronic AG until 2002 and, after completing his operational activities, was a member of the company’s Supervisory Board, where he took on the role of Chairman for 15 years.
In view of his special merits for the company, Christoph Schweizer was appointed Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
All voting results and further information on the Annual General Meeting are available on the Internet at schweizer.ag/en/investors-media/annual-shareholders-meeting.