Turnover increases by +6.8%
EBITDA ratio of -9.4% remains below expectation
Equity ratio of -5.5% as majority takeover by WUS not yet completed
Expectation of turnaround in 2023
Schramberg, April 12, 2023 – Based on preliminary and as yet unaudited figures, the SCHWEIZER Group achieved consolidated revenues of 131.0 million Euro for the 2022 financial year. This corresponds to an increase of 6.8% compared to the previous year (forecast: +5% to +10%).
The EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) amounted to -12.3 million Euro, which corresponds to a rate of -9.4% (forecast: -4% to -8%) and was thus below our expectations. The start-up losses of the Chinese subsidiary and the overall increase in energy and material prices, especially in Germany, had a particularly negative impact on the result.
Equity decreased to -8.8 million Euro, which corresponds to an equity ratio of -5.5% (31.12.2021: +5.3%), mainly due to the negative consolidated result. Thus, the forecast equity ratio in a range of 6% to 11% could not be achieved. The forecast was made subject to the entry of a new investor in Schweizer Electronic in China by the end of the year. As reported, the investor WUS Printed Circuit (Kunshan) Co., Ltd, based in China, signed a Share Transfer agreement for the majority takeover of Schweizer China on 22 December 2022, but it will only become effective in 2023 after approval by the shareholders' meeting of WUS. Thus, the signing of the purchase agreement in 2022 did not yet have a positive effect on equity.
Compared to the previous year, the consolidated result decreased by EUR -7.3 million to EUR -33.5 million Euro (2021: EUR -26.2 million).
The fact that SCHWEIZER is in the phase of implementing the majority sale of the Chinese unit Schweizer Electronic (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. has a significant influence on the forecast for 2023. The forecast assumes that the contract with the investor WUS Printed Circuit (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. will be closed in April 2023. Under this assumption, revenue growth of between +5% and +10% compared to the 2022 financial year and an EBITDA ratio of between +4% and +6% are expected. Due to the deconsolidation of the Chinese unit, the management expects to close the 2023 financial year with a Group equity ratio of between +25% and +30%.
The audited figures as well as a comprehensive overview of the Group's development in the past financial year 2022 and a detailed forecast for the current financial year will be announced in the context of the publication of the annual report on 28 April 2023 at https://schweizer.ag/investoren-und-medien/finanzberichte/downloads-berichte.
Explanations to Financial Figures are available at: schweizer.ag/en/investors-media/company-key-figures/explanations-financial-figures.