PCBs with solid copper reverse side for effective heat dissipation


SCHWEIZER offers PCBs with solid metal reverse sides especially for heat dissipation on components with high power losses.

The IMS technology is really efficient for power electronics applications with high power dissipations and a limited layout thickness. Materials with a high thermal conductivity along with good electrical insulation were specially developed for this purpose. The full-surface, solid metal reverse side ensures fast and effective temperature spread, which prevents hotspots.

The usual IMS solutions on the market have aluminium reverse sides. SCHWEIZER recommends the use of copper reverse sides as an alternative, since this offers significantly improved physical properties and enables more variable use. A major difference from aluminium is that copper is compatible with all PCB processes, meaning that different surface finish coatings can be used and multilayer lay-ups are possible.


  • LED applications
  • Transducers
  • Motor control
  • DCB replacement


  • Multilayer lay-ups with complex structures are possible
  • Electrical connection of reverse side possible, so top thermal properties
  • Variable reverse side Cu thickness
  • Variable dielectric quality and thickness

Special features

  • Thermal storage capacity (at same volume): 37% higher than aluminium
  • Thermal conductivity: 77% higher than aluminium
  • Modulus of elasticity: 85% higher than aluminium

Design rules


Here you will find current information about our design rules and our PCB standards.

Contact info

Marvin Luceri

Telefon: +49 7422 512-206


Marvin Luceri