- SCHWEIZER boosts turnover to 110.2 million Euro
- EBIT rises to 10 million Euro
- SCHWEIZER further improves equity ratio
Schramberg, February 3rd, 2015 – According to preliminary figures, Schweizer Electronic AG closed the accounts in the fiscal year 2014 with its highest turnover ever. Sales in 2014 increased by 8.9% to 110.2 million Euro against 101.2 million Euro the year before. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) rose by 2% to 10 million Euro (previous year 9.8 million Euro), representing the second-highest EBIT in the company’s history, while additional expenditure for continuing the expansion of the Asian production capacities - with focus on Vietnam - burdened the EBIT with 1.1 million Euro.
With sales of 100.3 million Euro, the production performance in Schramberg, Germany, broke through the historical mark of 100 million Euro. (previous year 94.6 million Euro). Sales effected through the Asian partner network also showed a satisfactory development, boosting by 54% to 9.9 million Euro against 6.4 million Euro in 2013. Highly innovative technology products strongly contributed to SCHWEIZER’s record sales with 50.5 million Euro, representing already 46% of the total turnover. This trend is expected to continue in future particularly in Schramberg.
Despite its growth, SCHWEIZER was able to increase equity capital by 3.3 million Euro to 48.4 million Euro. This corresponds to an equity ratio of 59.5% against 58.8% the year before. Final figures will be released on March 31, 2015.
Dr. Maren Schweizer, CEO of Schweizer Electronic AG comments: “We proceeded very well in 2014 on operational as well as strategic level. We increased turnover and earnings, and our order book is well stocked. Thanks to the continuously high demand our order backlog increased again in 2014, amounting to 119.2 million Euro against 114.2 million Euro the year before. With our partner and investor WUS, we have access to additional production capacities to serve the rapidly growing market for high frequency printed circuit boards (HF PCBs). Moreover, we plan to jointly tap the chip embedding market with our partner Infineon in the coming years, as this is the future market for power electronics applications. Thus, these two new partnerships further improved our already good position in 2014.”